Our Story

It started with one baby. Then twins.

I had three kids under age two

In a crazy turn of events, around 2013 I (Gigi) found out I was two months pregnant with twins when my darling angel was 9 months old. Imagine THAT, 3 kids under the age of 2! Now imagine working full time, going to regular doctor appointments, driving in an ambulance once (oh yes that happened - all is fine) and trying to care for myself. It was (still is, SIX years later) extremely difficult to manage all the regular doctor appointments let alone our trip to Phoenix Children’s Hospital and some specialists along the way. I’m sure I have the papers somewhere, but I didn’t take pictures or video or catalog my Q&A with the many doctors.

We moved.

In 2015 in another turn of events (we - my husband and I) and our two year old and eight month old twins moved to California. Shortly after moving, my twins were diagnosed with Strabismus, one twin, Baby B underwent surgery at around a year old. Then a doctor misdiagnosed Baby B with microcephaly. I still have the specialist’s voicemail saved from 2015 telling me he was normal. Plus a bunch of another appointments and specialists . The family is all good and healthy today! However, I don’t really have an organized medical history per child. I don’t have something I can share with them as they get older and have families. It was here living in Cali and trying to obtain their medical records from AZ, that I thought of the idea. By the way I have a three inch stack of those records, somewhere!

We moved again.

We moved back to AZ three years later and here we are. While in California I came up with the idea for a note taking app focusing on capturing the medical needs of the family. SO after years and years of planning we did it! We released version one of the app in October of 2022! Download it today and start managing your health better and learning more about yourself along the way.